
We appreciate your interest in being part of our Rotary Club of Key Biscayne!

Joining Rotary

If you are interested in joining the Rotary Club of Key Biscayne, the first step is to attend 1-3 club breakfasts as a guest to become acquainted with club members and with the club’s activities. Once ready to commit to active membership, secure a club member as your “proposer.” This member submits an endorsement on your behalf and gives you an electronic application to complete. Both the application and endorsement are submitted to the Board of Directors. Once approved, you will be invited to an orientation event and will make a volunteer and financial commitment to the club. You are then introduced to membership at a weekly breakfast as our newest Rotarian!

We each contribute $300 per year for our local Club operations, and $100 for the international Rotary Foundation.

Currently , our Hybrid team meetings are held on-site at the Key Biscayne Civic Center - Turtle Room, and also virtually (via zoom) on Fridays 7:30 am.

Contact us at:

email: rcokb@outlook.com


